le 24 févr. 2011

Press Review #1 : Cloud Computing & Banking

Here is Club Banques et Etablissements Financiers’s international Press Review of February 24th, 2011. The following links are the best or the most important articles published about Cloud Computing, SaaS, Core banking in the english speaking press.
Don't hesitate to share your review with us or to follow our Twitter !

Tony Kerrison, ING's CTO, is implementing private cloud at bank & expects clouds to change the IT role : 
Cloud computing pioneer Kerrison, who is building a private cloud and investigating the use of public clouds at the Amsterdam banking giant, believes cloud computing will profoundly affect IT executives' jobs.

11 Bank IT Trends for 2011 : http://www.americanbanker.com/btn_issues/24_1/11-trends-for-2011-1030508-1.html

How Banking, Security Leaders Keep Pace with Banking Innovations : 
Mobile banking, social media, cloud computing. These all are part of the global banking landscape today, and with these innovations come new expectations, says Alessandro Moretti of (ISC)2 and UBS Investment Bank. http://www.bankinfosecurity.com/podcasts.php?podcastID=955

Banking 3.0 : Organizational Drivers for Cloud Computing- Financial Institutions 

To talk about the organizations that manage our money and assets, let us first classify them into the kind of work, they undertake. Then a careful study of the trends and a clear understanding of what cloud computing can offer, would provide us with the drivers for this sector to adopt cloud computing ...

Bankinter uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an integral part of their credit-risk simulation application : 
Bankinter uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an integral part of their credit-risk simulation application, developing complex algorithms to simulate diverse scenarios in order to evaluate the financial health of their clients.

Mobile payments, cloud computing making their way into Eastern Europe :
Mobile applications will change traditional banking in Eastern European countries while cloud computing will increase the transparency of their governments, according to participants in the first Technology Innovation Summit Eastern Europe (TISEE 2011) in Sofia.

Allegiance Capital Corporation Adopts Navatar Investment Banking CRM Built on Salesforce.com's Force.com Cloud Computing Platform

Navatar Group, a global cloud service provider, today announced Allegiance Capital Corporation, a premier private investment bank, has selected Navatar's M&A Cloud to manage their due diligence process & monitor deal progress.

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